Federation of Filipino-Chinese Catholic Women's Organizations

President-Secretaries Meeting

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Bishop Leopoldo Jaucian Silver Jubilee Celebration

                Bishop Leopoldo Jaucian of the Archdiocese of Bangued, Abra  and the Spiritual Adviser of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Catholic Women’s Organizations will be celebrating his SILVER JUBILEE ORDINATION TO PRIESTHOOD on March 12, 2013.  The event will be highlighted by a Holy mass at 10:00 am to be held at St. James Cathedral, Bangued , Abra.

         Federation members are enjoined to attend this milestone event especially those who will be attending the 9th National Presidents-Seretaries meeting on March 8-10, 2013 in Dagupan City, Pangasinan.

Mrs. Juana Go, President and Ladies of the Federation of Fil-Chinese Catholic Women Organization
Dear Partners in Mission,
"Out of the fullness of his grace he has blessed us one blessing after another" (John 1:1b).
May I invite you to share the blessings of my 25th sacerdotal ordination anniversary?  The following will be our activities:
March 11:
- 3:00 PM Mass at the Abra Provincial Jail after which will be "Sharing God's Love".
- 7:00 PM Dinner to honor the Catechists of Abra
March 12:
- 10:00 AM Thanksgiving Mass, St. James the Elder Cathedral 
- Lunch
For those who need accommodations on March 10,11, 12, kindly let me know the names and the day of your arrival.
Thanks for journeying with me through the years.  God bless!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
BIshop of Bangued
CBCP National Coordinator
Fil-Chinese Apostolate

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