Acceptance Speech of the New FFCCWO National President

Your Excellency The Most Rev. Leopoldo Jaucian, DD, Bishop of Bangued and Spiritual Director of the Filipino-Chinese Apostolate in the Philippines, Immediate Past President Juanna Go, Members of the National Board of the Federation of Filipino Chinese Catholic Women's Organizations, Council of Presidents, Delegates from all over the Country to the 17th National Convention, Guests and Friends:

My election as president of the Federation of Filipino Chinese Catholic Women's Organizations is a welcome development.  Although I never aspired to be in the position, I say welcome development because I sincerely welcome it as a gift that God has given to me so that I too, like my predecessors, may have a share of humbly serving my sisters in the Federation this way.  

I look at this as a bonus: this is a bonus because like everyone here, all I wanted in joining the ladies circle of Iloilo was for me to work on my relationship with my Lord and to slowly but surely craft a life of holiness, one that fits a daughter of the Heavenly Father.  But as serving a huge federation such as this is a calling, I humbly accept this with the prayer that I may be able to primarily glorify our God and give him honor by the works that I shall carry out as your president.  

At the start of my term, allow me to recall a part of the theme that to me is an urgent call that deserves attention.  Our theme for the 17th National Convention is calling on all of us sisters in the Federation to become evangelizers.  Evangelizers are messengers of the message of God.  By this, therefore, we are called to share the message of love and service to others.  While we recognize that we can only do so much, remember that "all things can be made possible with God on our side". 

I do not know how the next two years within my watch will unfold.  I do not know what God will ask me to respond to while. I lead all of you sisters in the Federation.  But there is point that I would like all of us to ponder and consider at the start of my term. I want all of us to remember always what Mother Teresa once said, "God does not want us to be successful; He asks us to be faithful."

We may not accomplish as much as the others did.  But being faithful to. Him in all things will be more than enough.  

Thank you presidents and secretaries for the vote of confidence.  Thank you dear Fathers for constantly guiding all the chapters.  I am humbly accepting my new position all for the glory of God.  

God bless us all!   

Luisa Ng
National President