Federation of Filipino-Chinese Catholic Women's Organizations


Juana T. Go Outgoing National Pres. 2012-2014
Outgoing National President Valedictory Speech

Your Excellency Bishop Leopoldo Jaucian, SVD, National Coordinator of the Chinese Filipino apostolate and spiritual director of FFCCWO.Reverend Monsignori, Reverend Fathers, and Reverend Sisters; COP Pres. Jenny Ng Chee and members of the council of presidents.Dativa Ong, our convention chairperson and members of the host chapter;My beloved sisters, members of the board of directors and members from the different chapters of the FFCCWO;

Guests and friends, a wonderful and blessed evening to all.

Two years ago, you entrusted a big responsibility to me by being the National President of this Federation.  I had no plans at all in taking this position; however, I was inspired by Sis. Aning Sy of Dumaguete Chapter when told me that “God’s call to serve must not be rejected.” I made myself available, even though deep inside me, I was reluctant and do not know what this position would require of me.It was just a few months after my husband passed away when this mission was given to me.  I was used to take care of my family, and focus on our business.  However, I realized that it was not just my family that God wanted me to care for, but the bigger family, all of you included, my sisters in the federation, and it was not just to focus on my business, but on God’s Business, His work, His mission. God had actually entrusted me a responsibility, not to be the boss, but to be His humble and obedient servant.

I would not have accomplished this mission, if not for the support and help of the following to whom I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude and appreciation.

First, to our beloved Bishop, Bishop Pol Jaucian, thank you for accompanying us in our chapter visits.  Despite of your very busy schedule, and having to travel for several hours from Abra to Manila, you had always been with us, guiding and inspiring us.  Thank you so much for being our spiritual director and friend.

Second, to my beloved family, my three children and 5 grandchildren.  Thank you for your understanding.  My concerns had become your concerns too.  You have always assured me of your love and given me support in our projects.

Third, to my sisters in the National Board, thank you for being present in almost all board meetings, visitations and outreach projects. Thank you for being so supportive and committed.  I will always treasure the friendship we have developed and I look forward to other occasions we could be together.

Lastly, to my beloved sisters, officers and members of the different chapters,

Thank you for your warm welcome during our visitations; thank you for inspiring us for we have witnessed your commitment in loving and serving the Lord in your own way in your respective chapters.


Indeed, because of your sacrifices and dedication, you made this federation truly an instrument of God’s presence and love for His Church.

Special thanks and congratulations for our sisters of Tagbilaran chapter, despite of having hit by strong earthquake, you have managed to host this convention.

Indeed, during these two years, God has given us several opportunities to express our concern and charity to people affected by various calamities.  Thank you very much for your generous contribution thru our Sharing God’s Love.  Special thanks to Msgr. Bong Lo for extending His assistance and for helping us to ask more donations from His friends and Parishioners. 

We have communicated and shared God’s Love to the victims of typhoon Pablo in Compostela Valley, Davao; To the Zamboanga Seige evacuees. Earthquake survivors in Bohol, Survivors of Typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban, Capiz, Roxas and Kalibo and lastly Typhoon Agaton in Butuan.  All these were opportunities for us to show our solidarity to those in need.  And I believe, in our own simple way, we have done our humble share in reaching out to them.

By the grace of God, to the best I could, I offered my time, talent and treasure.

I heard some people say, what we have accomplished for the past two years would be hard act to follow or continue. However, let me tell you, all these were done not by ourselves, but by the greater glory of God.  We simply responded to His call, and made ourselves available, So as the year of the Laity invites us, let us choose to be brave.

To our incoming national president, Luisa Ng and the new members of the board, just always follow the Lord, let Him surprise you and do everything for His glory.


Finally, tonight, I was tempted to say, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED,” However, inspired by Mama Mary, she never said those words: rather I join our Blessed Mother in saying, “Be it done to me according to Your Word.” May God continue to shower His blessing to all of us.    

Thank you.

Juana T. Go

Outgoing National Pres. 2012-2014




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